Mayor de Blasio has no plan for failing schools beyond being anti-Bloomberg. However, this study shows, yet again, that the Bloomberg administration put New York City schools on the right track.
Turning drop-out factories into smaller, innovative schools gave over 40,000 students a brighter future. Mayor de Blasio should look at how other Mayors have successfully turned around failing schools as he continues to search for his own plan. We need to put politics aside and build on what works to provide real solutions.
A new report released by MDRC touts the success of Bloomberg's signature small high schools initiative in NYC. The study found that:
Small high school students were 15 percent more likely to graduate within 4 years.
Students were 22 percent more likely to enroll in college, despite 3 out of every 4 of these students were below grade level upon entering 9th grade.
The bulk of graduates attained Regents diplomas.
93 percent were students of color, 83 percent were low income.
The graduation rate for African American males increased by 22 percent and the college enrollment rate is 36 percent higher than the control group.
There are over 100 small high schools in New York City, serving more than 40,000 students.