![The Atlantic](/images/dmImage/SourceImage/tn-atlantic.jpg)
A Defense of Mayor Bloomberg's Education Record
Paul Hill, the founder of the Center on Reinventing Public Education, has written an exhaustive article on what Mayor Bloomberg's administration did well in helping improve education in New York City and what the next mayor should do to build off of Bloomberg's legacy.
In The Atlantic, Hill argues that Bloomberg has helped raise graduation rates, open small schools and charter school that have proven to be effective, expand school choice options and distribute funds across schools more evenly, among many other achievements:
Bill de Blasio, the likely next New York City mayor, has made a lot of promises about public education. No additional charter schools; no free space for many charter schools educating city kids; less reliance on student test performance to judge schools; and a moratorium on the closure of low-performing schools. Though these pledges have come piecemeal, together they would dismantle the reforms Michael Bloomberg implemented during his 12 years as mayor. Before this happens, it’s worth looking at what Bloomberg’s policies have accomplished and what is at risk if they are tossed out.
This essay will show what has been accomplished - how children have benefited from Bloomberg’s education policies and how the system has changed in positive ways.