Bill Gates Supports the Common Core
Bill Gates discusses why the Common Core standards are necessary for American education and clears up misconceptions.
In his opinion piece for USA Today, Gates addresses common misconceptions about the Common Core standards including the notion that it causes more student testing:
Common Core won't necessarily add to the number of annual state tests students take. States will introduce new math and language arts tests based on the standards to replace tests they give now. Most states are taking a cautious approach to implementing the new tests, giving teachers and students time to adapt before scores lead to serious consequences. What's more, unlike some of today's tests, the new tests will help teachers and students improve by providing an ongoing diagnosis of whether students are mastering what they need to know for success after graduation.
Gates continues to explain how the Common Core standards will prepare students for college and the job market:
Americans want students to get the best education possible. We want schools to prepare children to become good citizens and members of a prosperous American economy. The Common Core standards were carefully conceived with these two goals in mind. It would be a shame if myths and misunderstandings got in the way.