With less than a month left until the January 17 deadline, 27 school districts including New York City have yet to submit a teacher evaluation plan. According to GothamSchools, time is quickly running out for these 27 school districts as the State Department Education is supposed to have 6 weeks to review plans submitted. State Education Commissioner John King elaborated on how little time is left for these districts:
“The clock is ticking. There are still over two dozen districts that have not submitted APPR plans. The longer they wait, the more difficult it will be to complete our review by the deadline. We’ll move as fast as we can, but we will not sacrifice the quality of the review."
There is additional pressure on the teachers’ union and City officials to reach an agreement since it will be more difficult for the Education Department to review New York City’s plan that ultimately affects a very large number of schools and students. GothamSchools reports that both City officials and the teachers’ union are committed to trying to reach an agreement, but “will not sign off on a bad plan just to get the state funds.”