In an editorial, the New York Post criticizes Democratic Nominee for NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio for supporting school choice in some instances and not others. When a friend called and asked for help in getting her nephew into the school of his choice, then-City Councilman de Blasio obliged. Unfortunately, de Blasio doesn't have that same point of view when it comes to New York students and charter schools:
So what's de Blasio planning to do? He's threatening to end co-location. That's the practice of giving charters - which are public schools, remember - unused space in other school buildings, because charters get no capital funds to build. End co-location, and you will kill many charters.
The glaring double standard de Blasio shows here cuts to heart of the stink of our system today: choice for a select few, no choice for those who need it most. It truly is a Tale of Two Cities.