In a report released on Monday, the New York State Board of Regents decided to ease up on consequences for teachers and students. The decision was based on parents and teachers complaining about the tough Common Core standards and new teacher evaluations.
According to the Wall Street Journal, Governor Andrew Cuomo disagreed with the decision, stating that it would delay the implementation of new teacher evaluations:
"Today's recommendations are another in a series of missteps by the Board of Regents that suggests the time has come to seriously re-examine its capacity and performance," he said, adding it was "yet another in a long series of roadblocks to a much- needed evaluation system which the Regents had stalled putting in place for years."
StudentsFirstNY executive director Jenny Sedlis also commented on the decision, advocating for tougher teacher standards:
"They've given ineffective teachers an out clause," she said, adding it sends a message to school districts: "Don't even try and terminate any ineffective teachers."