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Tips for Preparing Students for the Common Core Exams

The first Common Core test results for New York State have been released. The Common Core is here to stay, and the test preparation industry is preparing for an increase in parents requesting testing help for their students:

"The shift was made to ensure that all students were college ready," said Jamie Platzer, a third grade teacher at East Harlem's DREAM charter school and tutor with Teachers Who Tutor, which recently began offering services specifically tailored to the new Common Core standards.

"Accordingly, we are asking them to think critically as early as in kindergarten," she said. "In general, when parents ask how to best prepare their children for the Common Core the answer is to help their children to think more deeply and critically about everything they do." asked testing tutors for everyday tips that parents and students can best prepare for the Common Core. The tutors provide 10 simple tips for math, reading and general testing preparation.

Read the full article here.

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