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UFT Politics Costs NYC $15 Million Grant

State officials set a 5 p.m. deadline Monday for a grant proposal from the Department of Education with approvals from the unions representing teachers and principals. The city failed to meet the deadline as the grant proposal only received approval from the Council of Supervisors and Administrators, which represents principals, and not the United Federation of Teachers. According to WNYC’s SchoolBook, the $15 million grant which was supposed to help school staff implement the new teacher evaluation system will now be redistributed to other regions.

Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott commented on the UFT’s refusal to sign the proposal:

“The latest obstructionist positions of Mr. Mulgrew will cost the City and his own members $15 million in grant money that would provide teachers and principals additional training and resources in the new teacher evaluation system. By refusing to sign the grant and inserting unrelated issues at the eleventh hour, the UFT is once again hurting the students and schools of New York City.”

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