By Nakeia Porter, a mother of a student at PS 305 in Brooklyn and a parent member of StudentsFirstNY
You don’t know me, but like any parent in New York City, I want the best for my children. So I was frankly shocked when I learned that the Bedford-Stuyvesant Community Education Council, which is supposed to be looking out for the best interest of our kids, is now pushing to keep more charter schools from opening in our community.
I don’t know who these so-called representatives are, or why they’re fighting so hard to prevent my kids from attending quality schools, but I know for sure that they don’t speak for me. I have a simple message for the council, one I hope that Chancellor Carmen Fariña — who visits the neighborhood for a town hall meeting on Monday — hears loud and clear: nobody has a right to limit options for students in Bed-Stuy.
Read the full oped in the New York Daily News.