At many New York City-run public schools, a majority of students are not passing statewide tests. Many more African-American and Latino students are failing than their white counterparts, however.
Not a single African-American student passed New York state's math test in 53 schools. For Latinos, there were 48 schools where not a single student passed the test.
According to a New York Post editorial, Mayor Bill de Blasio's solution to this problem is to limit access to charter schools, which could force a student to transfer to a failing school instead:
So what's Mayor de Blasio doing? He's punishing the public schools that prove these kids can be taught: charters. And he's doing it by taking away their space and making it all but impossible for them to give more children the benefit of a good school. After a Saturday morning meeting between charter officials and schools chancellor Carmen Fariña, the head of the New York Charter School Center, James Merriman, posed the only question that should matter about the mayor's approach:
"Can [the mayor] look every parent in the eye who expects to send their child to these schools in the fall and say to them, 'The school that I will now force you to go to is going to be better than the school I am taking away from you'? "