On Thursday, Brooklyn Assemblyman Karim Camara led a pro-charter school rally.
According to the New York Post, Mayor de Blasio has indicated plans of limiting charter school expansion in New York City. Camara seeks to receive help from the state should de Blasio move forward with his plans:
“We should not criticize, scrutinize or punish charter schools that are giving a great education to children,” Camara said Thursday at a pro-charter rally in Downtown Brooklyn.
“We should be doing everything in our power to support them. These policies that have been advocated by the city administration will be to the detriment, not just to the schools, but to the students who are getting an excellent education,” he added.
Camara, chairman of the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic & Asian Caucus, said he would seek a “legislative remedy” through the state-run Dormitory Authority to provide funding for charter-school expansion if the city fails to accommodate charters.