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Buffalo News Op-Ed: National Report Card Indicates Slow Progress

The latest results of the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) indicated small increases in reading and math scores by fourth and eighth graders. In order to compete globally, the nation needs to do more to better prepare its students.

In an op-ed, The Buffalo News calls for more rigorous education reforms such as early education and the Common Core standards:

For now, the new Common Core standards could go a long way toward improving student scores. One thing about the new guidelines is that they demand more from both students and teachers.

The opinion piece goes on to cite examples from the NAEP where higher standards for students and teachers resulted in better scores:

But consider the handful of states and jurisdictions that showed significant increases in average scores at certain grade levels on either reading or math. Among those were: the District of Columbia, Hawaii and Tennessee and Defense Department schools, which showed gains in both subjects and grade levels over the past two years.

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