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Joel Klein: NYC Needs an Education Reformer as Mayor

This week, New Yorkers will go to the polls for the mayoral primary elections. Joel Klein, who served eight years as chancellor of NYC's public schools, wrote an op-ed in the New York Daily News bemoaning the lack of clarity on each candidate's positions on education:

We've heard plenty from the candidates about issues that almost no one would disagree with: providing universal pre-k and additional after-school and support services, for instance. But we've heard next to nothing from the candidates on what they would do to support ongoing education reform initiatives like expanding the number of excellent, innovative district and charter schools throughout the five boroughs and looking for other ways to give parents more quality educational options.


I hope that, before New Yorkers cast their ballots in November’s general election, both the Democratic and Republican candidates will tell us all what kind of education mayor they plan to be: one who will continue to move reform forward, or one who will take us back to the bureaucratic dysfunction of the past.

Read the full opinion article here.

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