This summer, the Broad Center released 75 Examples of How Bureaucracy Stands in the Way of America’s Students and Teachers, highlighting how efforts to reform public schools across the country are often stopped short by the entrenched bureaucratic systems of large urban school districts. These bureaucratic challenges are significant and far-reaching. Too many of our students suffer under a system that disempowers teachers and principals, frustrates parents, prevents resources from reaching the classroom, and acts as a barrier to student success.
Despite attempts here in New York to reform the education bureaucracy at the state level and in some of our cities, these factors continue to stand in our way. Broken policies and bureaucratic procedures still block innovation in our schools, muddying efforts for more accountability and transparency, and robbing our classrooms of funding that is desperately needed to help our kids excel.
Over the next month, we’ll share the Broad Center’s 75 examples of bureaucratic challenges on Twitter with the hash tag #rEDtape. Uncovering these challenges is the first step to eliminating them and to creating an environment that fosters, not inhibits, excellence in the classroom.