The Huffington Post education reporter Joy Resmovits points out the hypocrisy of the teachers unions guilt-by-association tactics given their support of “groups and candidates that call homosexuality and abortion sinful; authored voter suppression laws; tried to classify abortion as homicide; critiqued teaching evolution; and called Democratic leaders like President Barack Obama "Obummer" and socialist.”
Resmovits reports:
“[B]oth national and local teachers' unions have recently made endorsements and donations to some Republicans who speak and vote against their values…
[T]he union has supported groups and candidates that call homosexuality and abortion sinful; authored voter suppression laws; tried to classify abortion as homicide; critiqued teaching evolution; and called Democratic leaders like President Barack Obama "Obummer" and socialist…
This spring, when Alabama considered passing a law that would allow the creation of charter schools, the Alabama Education Association (AEA), the state's teachers' union, attacked the legislation. At the same time, Randy Brinson, the chairman of the Christian Coalition of Alabama (CCA), wrote an email to his group that tied charter schools to Shariah law. ‘Education policy is one of the major efforts by such radical groups as the Muslim brotherhood to radicalize more secular countries,’ Brinson wrote. In newsletters to CCA membership, the group has also called abortion and homosexuality ‘horrible sins.’
The AEA donated $2,500 to CCA in 2010, and the AEA's PAC gave Brinson $5,000.