Why We Need Educational Justice in Brownsville
As the father to Danielle and Diamond, and president of the Brownsville chapter of StudentsFirstNY, I understand how failing schools in our neighborhood are a detriment to our students’ safety and potential for success.
Read moreHow a Teacher Gave Up on my Son, and How I Responded
My name is Joanna and I am the parent of third grader Oumar, a student at a public elementary school in Canarsie. I have seen firsthand how the quality of my son’s teachers directly impacts his chances at success.
Read moreA Mother of Four Shares Why She Supports Wright v New York
I am the mother of four kids, including two who are currently in NYC public schools. My son, Barkhem, is 10 years old, but has not yet received the quality education he deserves.
Read moreNew Study Shows Bloomberg School Initiative Produced Stunning Results, StudentsFirstNY Says de Blasio Should Pay Attention
Mayor de Blasio has no plan for failing schools beyond being anti-Bloomberg. However, this study shows, yet again, that the Bloomberg administration put New York City schools on the right track.
Read moreChancellor Farina's Showcase Schools Set Low Bar for Achievement
Chancellor Farina's Showcase Schools program is yet another disappointment for struggling schools awaiting much-needed help. The minuscule scale of the initiative and the low bar for student achievement is an insult to kids whose futures hang in the balance.
Read moreMy Grandson's Future is Being Stolen
This morning, thousands of district and charter school parents joined together to tell leaders #DontStealPossible. Together, they called on Mayor de Blasio, Schools Commissioner Fariña, and other officials across the City and the State to deliver on the promise of a quality education and great teachers for all students, regardless of the school they attend or the neighborhood they live in.
Read moreStudentsFirstNY District School Parents Turn Out To Support #DONTSTEALPOSSIBLE Rally
More than 500 district school parent members from StudentsFirstNY turned out today to support the #DONTSTEALPOSSIBLE campaign led by the Coalition for Education Equality and Families for Excellent Schools.
Read moreFacing Parent Pressure to Address Failing Schools Crisis, Farina Disappoints
Farina to Failing Schools: Pressure’s Off
Facing increased pressure from parents and reform advocates to improve struggling schools, Chancellor Farina responded with a disappointing, over-hyped, political stunt that won’t address the failing schools crisis.
Read moreParents of New York
This week, students across New York headed back to school for the start of another year. As families prepared for the first day back, we asked some of the StudentsFirstNY parents and grandparents to share their wishes for their kids this year.
Read moreRob Astorino's Latest Education Gimmick
The foundation of Rob Astorino's education platform remains nothing more than a cynical plot to win votes on a sham ballot line. His so-called 'plan' is not policy, it's an election year gimmick.
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